Soooooo... We have a lot of show topics left to cover before we determine which is the better resort. At some point, we need to address what, when and with whom. We decided to meet and determine this for the next 3 months of shows. AND, we needed to release a show. Listen as we discuss all of the current remaining show topics, ask for your feedback on other show ideas, ask for your promotion of confirmed rumors and much more!
We have some exciting guests lined up. We have Taren from Earzup, Julie from SFgate (see her stuff here) and fan favorite Natalie from Disnerland What will they cover on their shows? You'll have to listen and see.
Is this blatantly lazy to release a business meeting? Absolutely. Is it kind of a peeling back of the curtain for your favorite niche parks podcast? Sure. Is it kind of entertaining? If you enjoy our other previous episodes, this might be your favorite one yet.
Show image courest of and sort of sums up the episode