Bantha Milk | The Star Wars Podcast Day Special Watching the Star Wars Holiday Special

This was a very special episode for us.  We were a part of a bigger cause today.  This was our part of the Star Wars Podcast Day.  Many star wars shows world wide put on a podcast today to commemorate the first Star Wars Podcast put on in 1999. We did things a little differently.  We watched the Star Wars Holiday Special with you live on Youtube.  It was a treat to say the least.  Check it out at if you want to watch the show as well as listen to our comments about the show.  Thank you to #starwarspodcastday for letting us be a part of it.   We enjoyed recording this episode a lot, and hope you enjoy listening to it as much.   Please tell a friend.

So please check it out and like, subscribe, and comment down below what you thought of the episode, and our episode as well.  Check out our webpage at or on Twitter @Banthamilk or Instagram @BanthmilkPodcast and Facebook @Banthamilkpodcast  We also have a new group on facebook called “Sacred Jedi Texts” where you can be a part of the action sharing memes, and stories and the lot. We are a part of the Earz-up family of podcasts and check them out and give them a holler and let them know we said hi.   Subscribe to their patreon and it will help us get better and give you better shows.  #DisneyPlus #BabyYoda #TheMandalorian #BanthaMilk

Host - EarzUp! | In-Depth | Secret Show (Patreon Only)