This is a transcript of The History of Turkey Legs In Disneyland show. Some of it has been removed for brevity for my own sanity.
Hey, what's up, everybody? EarzUp. We are back in the studio - in the virtual studio here to talk a little bit about my second favorite treat. And, you know, we're all basically big ChurroHeads over here. But I love a good turkey leg. I don't eat them often because it is sort of an adventure to eat like that in front of people.
Well, it's true. It’s kind of weird, because it's sort of enough for a whole meal, but then your whole meal is one thing.
And it's just meat.
And it's very salty and it's kind of expensive. So you really have to share it with a few people, but you can only share it with very close people because of the way that you eat it. It's a very unique treat.
It really is, man. I wonder if it's the best value dinner wise, like meal wise, you know what I mean? Cause what is it, like, eight, nine bucks?
it's like 15.
Yeah, it was 11, seven years ago.
And that was the first time you complained about it.
All right, Fair enough.
Because I think you were like, well, I thought this was $8.
Yeah, well, see, there you go.
At least you're consistent.
Yeah, I live in the past. Okay? That's what I do. But I like a turkey leg. I wish that there wasn't any cholesterol or in there or anything. I would eat more.
I'd eat more of everything if it didn't have calories and Sugar and …
And ingredients. Yeah. Yeah. But Eric is going to take us through the history of the turkey leg, which sounds weird until you think about the turkey legs just weren't there in the park one day.
And where are all these turkeys coming from?
See? Exactly. And I've also heard all the rumors where it's like, well, you know, they're genetically modified ostriches, actually. And that's why they're so darn big, because everything has to be, you know, there's a reason for it, apparently. He’s going to take us through that. We're going to talk a little bit to Bev about her recent trip to Disneyland. And Erik, you were just there recently with Terrence, right?
No, is it now late December? Oh, because if it's late December now, then. Yes. Terrence and I were just at Disneyland.
I mean, we can call it late December, if that means you have something to say about it.
Now they're going to December or whatever.
I thought you already went and you're going back.
No, no, no. I met up with Terrence in my my homeland of Colorado.
All right, well, nevermind then you can't talk about it. Bev, You did go to Disneyland, right, Bev?
I did. I was there last week.
Somebody went with Terrence. But no, you didn't with Terrence.
I don't know, I went with Abby.
I don't know what's going on anyway. And then we have a segment from Taren we have a “Who Dat?”.
So that'll be fun. And then we got some news. There's actually some pretty good ... Get it all out, Bev
I'm sorry. I can't help it. I didn't yawn into the microphone. I was off back here.
Yeah, I heard it. Anyway, we all Heard it.
It's crazy you didn't feel it. That was a big one.
You almost got me on that one.
We're all just going to go, “Yeah, I'm sort of fighting one now” Thanks.
You're welcome.
I’m going through this thing with Alice, or at least not so much anymore, but she would, like, fake yawn. And it's like, you know, she's faking it because it's like she'll do eight of them in a row and it's very exaggerated. And she's looking at you for a reaction. “Stop fake yawning”, and then I start doing it back to her And then and then it makes me actually yawn. If I start fake yawning, then I'm actually yawning, so we're both going …
No, there's science behind that.
As soon as you said the word yawn, I felt the need to yawn again.
I want to yawn right now.
I think we all should. Let's take a yawn b reak.
Oh, my gosh!
I was trying this whole time to fight it. See, that was not. This is not good.
Oh, no, this is therapy. Yes, Taren. Taren, embrace it.
00:04:28:15 - 00:04:40:08
Speaker 1
So that's the second one was real. We're back. We're refreshed. We're ready to go. Speaking of Alice, we got to go to her school today or to, like, sit in on the class to observe. And it was it was weird, because we've never really gotten a straight answer out of her as to what they actually do in class. And it's like, you know, Montessori or whatever. And it's like it sounds really, I don't know, high education or like, you know, there's a lot of research or there's lot of intention with what they do.
{5 min}
But we go there and she only goes for the second half of the class and they just like sort of Gatling gun information at them while they're sitting on this blue line. And it's like, “here are the days of the week and then we say them in Spanish. Now do it, and here's the day. And then we send the thing and then and it's like, I couldn't even keep up. And I'm very smart. And so I wonder if it's just a bunch of like, let's cover them in a blanket or put a blanket on them. A blanket of information. Where they're just so shell shocked they can't move in and and fart around.
Were they just acting for, like, that specific day? Like most of the week, they're like, “here is a block. Get the other one …
… and I don't want to hear a word out of you.”
I don't think so. Because when she does tell us about school, we're like, what did you learn? She goes, the days of the week and I'm like, Well, yeah, but you told us that yesterday. Like, what did you learn today? The days of the week? I'm like, okay, whatever. I guess she's just not going to tell us.
But yeah, that's literally what they learn every day.
And they're just repetitive, like over and over and over it.
Yeah, now it's in. It's in, like, Szechuan.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That’s not a language.
No, it's not. But I know you were talking about Mandarin.
It's a chicken.
Mandarin. Yeah.
Yes, Mandarin chicken.
I apologize, I've offended so many people already in this episode.
Yeah, it was very strange. It was odd because yes, it is a lot of repetitive stuff.
It was also kind of boring.
Well, yeah, I was bored. I mean, we knew everything. We were the smart kids in the class. For once.
I can understand why recess is her favorite subject.
Oh, yeah. It. It took me immediately back to being in elementary school or even high school, or I was like, I can't wait to get outside. I can't wait for this to be over.
I wasn't that kid. I don’t know if I felt that way in this class. So I don't know. if I loved it. It's kind of weird.
00:06:55:23 - 00:06:59:13
Speaker 1
No, it was. It was. Yeah, it was odd, man. It was odd …
(weird silence)
I had an idea, and you guys derailed me twice. And I'm sad.
Yes, it's our fault.
I’m gonna cry about it. Thought about how weird it was to tie, you know, whatever. Who cares?
There was a kid in there, so it's like. Like preschool and kindergarten, sort of in one room or session or whatever. And there's a kid in there that, like, definitely looked like he should smell like weed. Like, he just had this sort of long, braided ponytail, a puffer jacket, black puffer jacket, baggy jeans that were below his butt , a little too big. Yeah. And, you know, his hair, like, slicked back with a ponytail. And I'm just like, “this kid wants - he needs to smell like Marlboro Lights And pot.” And we like, I just I, I get that from him. At least in middle school. He's going to be where you're going to go, you know, get your first joint from.
Yeah. I mean, yeah.
And I, but I felt bad for the kid too because he was like in this circle time or square time, I guess they were on the blue line square thing. Anyway, the kid kept, like, scooting closer to the teacher. And at that moment, I was like, oh, man, this is where all of this starts. This is where all of that, he’s like the troublemaker kid, because he was sort of making trouble, or at least not making trouble, but not paying attention as well. And he started scooting more to the teacher and then he would look up at the teacher and he was more engaged. But the teacher sort of was moving him back to where he was. And so like I can very I can see this kid's the rest of his scholastic career. And I feel very bad for everybody running detention. Like, it's just it's just going to be bad. He clearly just wants some one on one time, a little bit more. A little bit more love a little bit more attention a little bit more … I just felt bad for the kid, man. It's weird to see that and it's weird to see that happen. I also felt bullied. I was like, This kid's going to pick on me. I can't get near this child. He's going to beat me up.
Steal your lunch money.
Yeah, I know exactly. But it was. It was, you know, it was cool. It was neat to see and …
It was cool to see.
Yeah, it's a trip because when the kids have to go to the bathroom, like, there's no door. They just go.
And where we're sitting, you just - The bathroom's right there, so.
You're just, like, not looking. But you can hear it.
They just have a wall with, like, a trough?
There's no door?
{10 min}
No door, but it's like it's like it's like a rectangular room with no door, but so it has walls. It's just there's a empty doorway, which makes sense, I guess. But like, you know, I'm sitting there and I didn't even know it was in there. And I was like looking around the room, like, whatever. And then I look up and I just see some kids ass. He just - he pulled his pants all the way down.
You're describing Wrigley Field. Yeah. If you any any Chicagoians.
Man it was wild. It was, it was a good time. I guess. I don't know. I hate school. I hated being there for the most part. I like seeing Alice engage and stuff, but like, it reminded me, I just. I was a terrible student, hated school, never wanted to go back, still never want to go back. I won't even learn anything about it.
Were you triggered?
Kind of, yeah.
I'm sorry about that.
I was, like, triggered the other way. I was like, they're not doing enough. The school is not school.
Where is all the school learning?
Oh, that was the thing I was going to say. So every month they learn about a new composer.
I say learn, they're exposed to it. But it's in that like shotgun and effect of here's all the information. The first half an hour, the composer information's buried in there. So she's not like retaining anything.
So she's not learning about Schubert?
Well, the other one was Vivaldi last month. And this month we go, hey, so what's your what's a composer like? Oh, Mozart. No, Mo-zart. No, Alice, it's Mozart. There's like a t like the Z and the sort of sound the same it’s Austrian, you know, whatever. “That doesn't sound right, Daddy. That doesn't sound right to me.”
Mm. Well, okay. Well, my teacher says Mozart. And so I like, look it up and I play it for, you know, it says like Mozart and it's pronounced properly. I go see she's like, no, my teacher says Mozart. And like, well, she has like an accent. So she so we're there in class and the teacher is like, now we're going to learn about our composer, what's his name? “Mo-zart.” Then I'm like, Oh, God.
Wow. Wait until they get to Michael Jack Cheese. The B the latest Disney composer star.
Beverly, what are you doing?
I can't get comfortable.
You should mute your microphone because it sounds like it's snowing.
I'm sorry. You can't hear that.
You can't hear your microphone. Really?
Not at all.
God, if you heard your microphone, it would be a whole different world for you.
You hate me so much right now. I'm sorry.
Kind of, yeah. It's like what’s that static going on. Oh, it's just Bev moving her blanket 12 feet away.
I’ll just be still on mute most of the time.
Yeah, that's great. All right, Taren you ready?
Oh, me? Sure.
Who Dat Intro
Alright Taren, Who's that?
All right, well, usually for this segment, I focus on a sort of like background character, and I see if I can find anything out about them. But this time I'm making a slight digression. There is a character in the Disney Universe who has always confused me when I see him on the screen or in a book. I have so many questions and Disney never seems to want to answer any of them. So I set out to find out what I could about Goofy’s son.
Oh, man. Max Goof. Maximilian, I think, is his name, right? That's all you need to know now. He's a cool hipster dude, and that's it.
So it's believed by many that Max Goof first appeared in the 1951 short “Father's Are People”.
So many are saying this.
And in this film it was this is a short and it was under the name Goofy Jr and in this short JR is born and we watch as a sharply dressed Goofy copes with fatherhood. At one point he even wakes in the middle of the night to make a bottle, but instead makes himself a martini and falls asleep in the kitchen.
Absolutely. Let's go, Goofy!
Sounds like the fifties.
{15 min}
Oddly, in this short, our silly friend is never referred to as Goofy. Not once. His name is George and his unnamed wife calls out to him to help out with the new baby throughout. And so much of this is strange to me because first off, Goofy is wearing a suit and he has a normal voice. It's not that girly kind of goofy voice. And second, his name is George, not Goofy. And third, he has a wife. Now, I'm having a hard time believing that this is Goofy at all. To me, this is like saying Oswald is the original Mickey Mouse. He's not. Maybe he was the first inspiration for what we now know is Mickey Mouse, but no one would say Oswald is Mickey. That's just not what would happen. I think they are two completely different characters. So for this reason, George, from 1951 is not Goofy. Thus Goofy JR is not Max Goof. They are different people. So then who was Max Goof?
This is it wouldn't even be Goofy junior. That'd be George Jr.
Right, right. It's so confusing.
Yeah. Interesting.
This is all my theory. This is not probably true, but this is my theory. So then who is Max? Max is actually first introduced as an 11 and a half year old boy in the TV show Goof Troop. This makes more sense. This is when he moves in with his father, Goofy. Okay. Max is a typical middle school aged boy whose antics often revolve around trying to gain popularity or trying to find an easy way out of doing things, saying things like that. And while he's often embarrassed by his father's actions, they ultimately have a close relationship. So why is Max interesting? Max is the only Disney character who actually grows in age. So if we keep with my theory that Max is not in fact goofy JR then we meet Max at age 11, then he's seen in a Christmas special. I forget the name of it, and they did not write it down. But we watch it all the time anyway.
Christmas vacation.
So he's in a it's a mickey Christmas like conglomeration of a bunch of different shorts and he's in one of them.
Oh, is it Mickey's Christmas?
No, no. And in this, he's a young boy dealing with his kind of wavering belief in Santa Claus.
But in a goofy movie, Max is a high school aged teenager with an innate fear of becoming like his father. Here we see him, even with a love interest and a much more teenager angst against his, you know, silly dad. Then next, we see him as a high school graduate in an extremely goofy movie. And then finally, we see we see Max as a young adult in both House of Mouse, where he's employed as a parking valet. And Mickey's twice upon a Christmas where he prepares to bring his girlfriend home to meet his dad, Goofy. So we actually watch him grow up and progress as as a character, which is not something you see in any other character that I could think of.
It's very slow. But. Yes.
Yeah. So what's also interesting about Max is that he is the son of a main Disney character. Now, Mickey and Minnie and Donald and Daisy, they all have nephews and nieces, but no children of their own. Goofy, however, is different. Goofy as a child. So in the least responsible and …
And no significant other.
Right. He's the craziest character and this guy procreated, but how?
His wife has shown up in various things though but she's never fully depicted you generally just see what looks like human legs, like she's like Jessica Rabbit sitting in a chair that's facing away from you. Right?
That is only if we're talking about Junior.
Oh, Junior. Oh.
{20 min}
If we’re talking about just Max. My version, which is just starting at Goof Troop, there’s no, Mom.
So, so basically my questions are who is Max’s Mom, is goofy married? Is he widowed? What is happening here? So there are a few theories out there. One, and this goes back to the 1950s, but one is that Mrs. Goofy cheated on Goofy with the milkman in the 1950s cartoon and Goofy left her. Now, this theory is here because In one in one of the shorts Goofy takes the day off of work to help out his wife and when the milkman arrives, the milkman drops, he opens the door, the milkman drops the milk down and gives goofy a big ol kiss on the lips because he assumed it was the wife, as the wife is always home. So that sparked this theory that Mrs. Goofy cheated on Goofy. However, I don't even believe those are the same characters. So another for me more plausible theory is that she's simply dead. And since Goofy has, because in these Goofy has full custody of Max, there is never once a mention of a motherly figure at all in any of the movies that have my version of Max in it.
So it's safe to assume that there is no mother involved at all. And in fact, if you dove down too deep into these theories you find Goofy to be a really tragic character whose entire family has likely died and who now relies solely on his son Max, to provide him with the safety and security that you expect to receive from family. And this puts a lot of pressure on Max. And if you ask me, that's probably created a pretty codependent relationship between the two, which is probably why they have such a contentious relationship.
What rabbit hole did you go down?
Okay So, Max, when he moved in with Goofy at age 11. Well, where was he before? So Goofy and his wife had been divorced at the time.
Exactly.There's literally - they don't ever mention it. They look through scrapbooks. He never asks. No questions ever arise from Max. Nobody says anything about mommy.
I don't like it.
It's weird. It is. And Disney has actually spoken about it like it was on an FAA queue for a while and I was going to pull it up. But it's very boring. But basically they're like they they're like it's a cartoon. We don't really know either, but maybe it will be discussed on a future or something.
What a stupid answer.
It was a dumb answer, which is why I didn't -
Well, I mean, I guess, like, where did Huey, Dewey and Louie come from? That means that means that Donald has a brother.
But I think that that's all mentioned somewhere at some point.
No. His brother or sister are never mentioned.
No, it is a sister actually. I did read that today. And she dies. Her name is like Della. Della or something. They call her Della Duck.Her name was Dumbella. And they shortened it to Della because that sounded stupid. So like there is an actual story there.
I'm going to call you Dum Bella.
I've got to rewatch the entirety of both series of Ducktales.
Now, there you go. See, there's just there's no information about Max's mom or goofy significant other.
Chapek, get on that. We need a Disney plus, a full rundown Disney plus series about Max's history. Meaningful background, please.
All right, so where else have you seen him? Max's in a ton of stuff. He's in a ton of films, a ton of TV shows. He's not a main character.
So he's working. He's a working actor.
Definitely recognize him from Goof Troop or A goofy Movie. And he also has cameos in a lot of Disney video games and park attractions like Fantastic and most of the parades, like a handful of the parades, a couple of handfuls.
A couple of handfuls.
From most to a couple of handfuls.
So who's behind the character? In the 1950s cartoon Goofy Jr was played by Bobby Driscoll, who played Johnny in Song of the South, and he was both the voice and the closeup model for 1953. Peter Pan So that's interesting and is interesting. So later on in Goof Troop, the real Max Goofy was voiced by actress Dana Hill. Okay. You may recognize her as the voice of Buddy in the Adventures of Gummi Bears or Tank Muddle Foot in Darkwing Duck, but more notably, she is Audrey Griswald in National Lampoon's European Vacation.
Oh, okay.
Now, if you look her up, you will know exactly who I'm talking about. Dana Hill?
Yeah. European vacation. I think I've seen that once, and I didn't care about it.
Really? Oh, gosh, it's so good. So finally, James Marsden is the current voice of Max, and he's one of those faces where you go. Not - I'm sorry, not James. Jason Marsden.
And they are not related, but they are best friends. Oddly, no. Sorry. Jason Marsden is the current voice of Max and he's one of those faces where you go, “Oh, he's that guy from from that show. You know that guy?” He played the cat Thackery Binx in Jason's favorite movie, Hocus Pocus. Oh, yeah. He had recurring roles on Full House Boy Meets World and step by step. So everybody who grew up during those totally recognizes this guy.
He's a late nineties KING.
And he's been a voice actor on a handful of other Disney animated films and lots of DC comic inspired animated series and video games. So in conclusion, Max, while not totally unfamiliar in the Disney Universe has a relatively unknown history and potentially tragic backstory. And what I learned from researching Max, is that he and Goofy probably need a lot of therapy.
So that's Max Goof.
{25 min}
Now, I'm, like, looking up this in Dana Hill Broad. She was on she was on an episode of Magnum P.I., which is makes her more recognizable to me. She was on episode of the Fall Guy.
Jetsons The Movie, Darkwing Duck, Tom and Jerry Kids … you know, good for her man.
The Flintstone kids just say no special. She was a character called Stoney Knee. What were they talking about? I wonder?
Very cool, man. I love it. You know, I was doing some, uh, some reminiscing, some, um, looking back at our, our numbers. People really liked our Halloween special, our story, our Halloween stories thing. And I liked it. I had a good time, man. So thank you very much for all your work. Yes, Bev. Go ahead, please.
Dana Hill also is dead.
Oh, yeah, for now.
Ok, thanks.
Way to bring it down.
You're welcome. I just Googled that I was like, oh.
Speaking of Halloween episodes.
00:26:51:21 - 00:26:57:24
Speaker 3
Yeah, well, I couldn't find any recent pictures, and I was like, she looks the same because she gone …
Well, you stepped on my intro. I was going to bring on a psychic. We're going to do a reading.
But, Eric, you wanted to you know, you want to express your feelings a little bit about the the Halloween show. I imagine how much fun it was and thanking me profusely for allowing you to do it.
Oh, my goodness. You know what? I've paid you so much to be on this show.
Yeah. The bitcoin came through just fine.
Okay, that's. That's great.
It's now worth less, though, but.
I mean, Elon delivered it to you himself, didn't he?
Yeah. Yeah, right. That was buried in his hair plugs, I had to pull one out.
Yeah. Yeah. Anyway I just wanted to say well I'm glad that the, the show went well. I was really looking forward to it. But as somebody who has been in health care for like 20 years, yeah, I just wanted to to kind of put, put this out there as a sort of a it put this on other people to, to, to see that you can advocate for yourself. I was not in a great place during that episode. As multiple people mentioned during the episode, I seemed like I might have been drunk. And having had one drink before and one drink after the episode, I can say I was not, but I was on drugs. Drugs.
Yeah, we mentioned it on the secret show, but we didn't bring it for for, you know, the other listening audience.
And that was it. You know, it's it's tough. Like, I get that health care in the U.S. is it's not it's not easy. And I wanted to kind of use my own example to inspire people to to push themselves a bit more because I've you know, during during the course of this this whole thing, basically, I had an MRI today, literally today, finally, after ten weeks of pain, I finally had an MRI done.
Because you have a torn butt!
{30 min}
Oh, no, I don't. All right. I have a fairly severe disc, not protrusion … Rupture.
Yeah. Wow. Ooh, yeah. So this is going to take a lot more physical therapy and it's going to take some injections and hopefully I won't end up in surgery. And a lot of this comes from I mean, thankfully, I have a brother in law who is who is actually a like he's an orthopedic surgical P.A. So he's helped me through this.
And I have not leaned on him much before now because it's been like, no, let's let let's let health care take it saying my point to the listeners is essentially, don't don't just let health care happen. If you are in pain, if you are in emotional pain, please seek out resources. There are things that are out there.If you need emotional therapy, if you need mental, if you need to talk to somebody, if there are there are media out there that like betterhelp dot com that is covered under a lot of different insurance plans. Push your insurance plan, find out what your benefits are and use those benefits. It pushed things harder than I did because I was like, let's just see how this plays out. That was wrong. As I talked to my brother today, he's saying, Yeah, you probably should have found out about this like six weeks ago. And it would have been a different prognosis. And and that's it. Like, I've spent weeks. I've spent months basically doped up on muscle relaxers that have screwed up my memory. I keep trying different things. They, they mess with my memory. They mess with my ability to do my work. They mess with my ability to write and create. And these are things that I love doing. I haven't been able to do the things that I've loved doing, and I've kind of gotten by in some cases. Last episode, maybe. I guess it was ok?
Well you did the thing!
I did the thing. Great. I'm. I'm glad you thought that I did the thing.
Well it happened. I heard it.
Right. Yeah, that's great. So this is no. This is no shade on any of my health care providers. This is on me, and this is on you as listeners. The job that pays me money - I work in a job that shouldn't exist. We work to basically get your insurance to pay for things like chemotherapy, rheumatoid arthritis injections. All of these expensive specialty therapies that cost thousands of dollars a month, hundreds of thousands of dollars a month like it. My job is to run a team of more than 50 people who do this. They work with your insurance company. And in this health system that I work in, their job is to find ways to make this affordable for you as a person.
My job shouldn't exist. Their job shouldn't exist. Health care is crazy. So this is not this is not anti-health care in the U.S.. This is not anti-insurance. Well a little anti-insurance.
But we should need it is, I think what you're saying. We need the infrastructure.
Exactly. So the whole point is for me to say to you, I'm in a much better place today, literally right now, because I have finally gotten the care that I need. And my pain levels have gone from like nine where I'm like shaking constantly down to like a reasonable level where like, oh, okay, well, my back kind of hurts today. If you need help, please seek out that. Help advocate for yourself. If you as a patient complain. If you push against your insurance company, you're the one who pays these bills. Yeah, that's the biggest thing. Yes. I have a team that do this this work for patients. But you know what really gets the trick done? But what gets the job done is the people who pay premiums, the people who are paying into it, into insurance.
You as a patient? Yeah. This is a big deal. If your medications are too expensive, talk to your provider. Look for alternatives. If your wait times are too long, please ask what alternatives there are. I guarantee there are other places you can go. Other other people that you can see that might get you in a little bit quicker don't accept the be like quick and easy here's a painkiller.
{35 min}
Let's just you know get yeah get you feeling better for right now seek out the care that you actually need and advocate for yourself. I'm challenging our listeners and people in general and this is something that I believe in every day. But now that I've gone through this process myself, I believe in it even more. I'm very passionate about this.
Please, if you need help, seek it out and push. Call. Don't be - don't be rude. Don't be rude to people. Don't be rude to schedulers Don't be rude to insurance people. Don't be rude to your pharmacy, don't be rude to your providers but push there's a way to push respectfully and do so and make yourself - you're not a victim … you're a patient. So you do you have the power.
There you go. So you didn't have a torn tendon. It was just a slipped disc the entire time.
That was it. I've had so many different diagnoses. And now that I finally had an MRI today, we got to look inside and yeah, I'm sorry, it was so much fun to say that I I broke my butt. I didn't break my butt. I broke my back.
Well, look, we can all have a perfect life, you know? Yeah, that's tough, man. Yeah. I mean, the medical industry today is it's yeah, it's rough. And, you know, there's a lot that can be said about it. But I agree. I mean, having gone through a lot of stuff myself like that, trying to advocate for yourself, you have to do it now. I'm still learning about it even though I'm you know, I'm still like, I don't want to wait. I've got to wait three weeks for a doctors appointment? Are you kidding me? What is going what is like literally what is happening here?
And especially now, because there's no staff. There's no like I mean, right at this moment, there is just they have such a hard time staffing up at hospitals and their doctor's offices and -
It's very difficult. Yeah.
Even more than ever, you have to advocate for yourself because they're all on a triage system.
Sure. Yeah, they're underfunded, too, and understaffed. The whole thing sucks, but like, what's the answer? I don't know.
Most health care systems have posted a loss in the last year. Thankfully, my health care system has not. Most insurance companies have posted profits.
Yeah, most of the gas companies have done this.
Just want to say, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry.
Yeah, it's weird. Well, you know what, Eric? I'm glad you got that off your butt, I mean, off your chest. I really, really appreciate that you're not Sitting idly about …
Our friends at the 21st Amendment brewery welcomed the warmer weather with the release of their brand new hoppy Pilsner Coaster Pils with a label that depicts a magical portal into an amusement park of Flavors Coaster. Pils has a good time around every turn. Coaster Pils is wonderfully clear and bright with a beautiful straw color and tight white bubbles.
It has a snappy flavor with crisp lines and wonderful citrus, tropical hoppy flavors and aromas, plus at 5.4% ABV. It'll help you coast right through your day like only the 21st amendment can coaster pils as well as their summertime favorite hell or high watermelon. We are available wherever you find great craft beer.
That's my favorite part about doing the show. It's like, oh, you know and another thing, you know, insurance sucks.
Yeah, whatever. Let's welcome the warmer weather.
Before we get to history of the turkey leg. Bev, what's up, dude? You went to Disneyland. How was it? How was how was that ish? Imagine it was torture and terrifying and awful.
It was busy. And weird. It was a weird trip. There were some things that I had experienced on my previous trip and I was like, Oh, that's different. And then to experience them again this time around, to know that it wasn't a one off, you have a lot to say about it.
Okay, like what now?
I can't talk about it. I’ll talk about it on the next show.
Okay. You’re gonna do a show on it.
And it’s going to be a negative show. And I apologize. Oh, I have a lot of feelings.
You do have a lot of feeling. Okay, well, that's good.
{40 min}
I think they're valid. I went to Disneyland five times this year.
Wow. Wow.
Question mark.
I can't actually I actually don't remember.
Well, I will say that both Bob Chapek and Josh D’Maro are in the chat actively right now, so.
I have a lot to say to both of them.
I hope that they're recording their usual twitch session that we pirate and redistribute as the dirty yellow strap.
Is that what that is?
That's. That's what the dirty yellow strap is.
Is on our feed. I have no idea what those guys do. Whatever they want. I don't know, man.
We we pirate the twitch stream from Josh and Bob, and because they do this every once in a while, they do a twitch stream. They've only done it twice. And we, like Dan and I, have listened in and we're like, let's cut out the choice bits and put that on our feed on scraping the vaults and the other one and the other show that that I'm being that I'm actually on.
Oh gosh, I have to say Dirty Yellow Strap is just fantastic.
It's pretty good.
I know exactly what that means.
I don't.
You don't get you don't get the reference?
When you get on a ride and you have to pull your strap. It's always dirty.
Honestly, I thought of a piece of jockstrap and I'm like, What is this show?
That's disgusting.
Oh, my God.
Sorry. As a man, I'm so physical and sports-like that, I only think in terms of sports and urine. The only two things I think about.
As a different man, all I think about is the supreme resource and how great it's been lately.
Yeah, sure.
That's not. Don't be sarcastic about it. I know.
I just I have to throw in fantastic. Yeah. But anyway, back to Beverly. Erik, you had your moment in the sun. Now it's time for Beverly. You chill out for a second.
All right? I wanted to talk about this article I found about a time traveler from the year 3000 who says that aliens are going to contact us this month.
I hope so. I really do. So you said the park was busy. Was it busier or is it the park level? Because, like you said, you've been about five times. Do you see things increasing or sort of plateauing?
I see things increasing and I see there's definitely a schedule like if you choose midday, those midweek days are the only days that you can really go and not just hate everybody.
I don't understand why it's getting busier with the - because you go online and you, you know, you see articles going the magic is gone and you see people going, I will never be back because the price increases or whatever. But clearly people are still going and it sounds like more people than ever.
It was I mean, it was, I think Thursday. And we got there every day for rope drop. It was something I had never actually done. And then pretty much by noon or right after noon, we were like, Let's go. We left, went back to the hotel, we took a nap. We came back at like six or seven.
And then closed out the park because it was open until midnight. But that whole like 12 to 6 window was straight trash.
Wow. I have heard that. It's pretty, pretty darn busy in the afternoon. But those early morning - you got to get there at rope drop.
You have to. It was it that was the most magical part of the trip. I was like, oh, this is great.
Leaving being able to leave and come back was the best part.
I'm going to say one thing that was ridiculous. I'm not going to include this next week, but so we got there for rope drop and we're like, okay, we're going to do rise, let's go, let's get in line. Let's just go do it right now.
Rise of the resistance.
Rise of the resistance. Right? Like we're right there. We're right at that part where you veer off into frontier land. Our eyes are on the prize. We get there. We're in a good place in line. We're standing for about 5 minutes. Cast member comes lines like Ride's broken. Don't stand in line. We don't know when it's coming back. And I was like, How is it broken? It's been open for 6 minutes. It did not come back on line until 1 p.m..
And do you get like a like the all in one fast pass?
{45 min}
Oh I didn’t get Jack.
Really nothing? I think they're supposed to give you something.
They didn't give us anything. I think it's probably because it was only six. The park was only open for 6 minutes, so they really didn't feel like they wasted a lot of my time.
Yeah. They definitely should have given you something. Do you go and eat like the new food and like the seasonal foods and stuff there?
I do not.
Really. That’s surprising to me.
Well, it sounds like you had a great time.
I did. itsounds negative. I did have a good time. I do have some good things to talk about. I just have some things that I noticed that I thought were kind of icky. Like, I just if that's the way things are going, I'm I'm a little like … ick.
Well, I look forward to hearing about all this stuff. It'll make me feel better by not wanting to go there. I'm going to take a quick break, everybody. We're going to come back. We're going to learn about how the turkey legs eventually wound up in Disneyland, which I'm sure that's exactly what the origin story is. They just wandered over there one day. They're still going like lemmings anyway. Ears up. We'll be right back.
All right, I had to go get a coaster. Pills, everybody. Look at those tight White bubbles.
Wow. Look at that. Look at that head right there.
Why not? All right, Erik, tell us about well, actually, is this technically a “What’s Erik Eating Again” segment or no?
Yeah let’s just play the theme song because Why not?
What's Eric eating again? Erik.
I'm eating turkey legs. They’re Big. People like them. Some people love them. Some people are vegan and will never try one.
You know, my, my, what's my one failure? The biggest failure besides CovEars was the you know, when we made the the churro castle. And I was like, You know what’s going to sell even more? the friggin turkey legs. CASTLE Sure. And like nobody buys it. I The thing I think a look, I think it came out great. Lulu did such an amazing job.
I love the grease stain over.
So it's classic and like, no one cares. So whatever.
Everybody loves the Churro Castle. Yeah. So stick with what. What worked? I don't know.
Churros are just somehow friendlier.
Turkey legs are sort of aggressive. Yeah, yeah, I got you with that. It's like, oh, this is just work, dude. I know I'm going to sweat as I do this.
Yeah, yeah. Turkey legs are big and they're, they're big enough that you probably shouldn't tackle one on your own. I know. Plenty of people do.
Nonsense, nonsense. No, we're not raising a listenership of quitters.
Yeah, yeah. Everybody, they. They cost. They cost, what, about 12 bucks each? Everybody buy one tomorrow. Yeah, but yeah, you know what? They're big enough that they're not really a snack. They are a full meal and they're turkey legs. And we love them so much that Disney guests buy 2 million turkey legs every year at Disney parks. 2 million.
Is that across the world? I can't imagine there's like that's.
Across the United States. I don't know what hyappens across the seas. I don't know what they're doing in Shanghai. I don't have numbers in Shanghai.
2 million. That's how many ear hats were sold in the Disneyland resort in a year.
And there we go. And people are eating those ear hats like nobody's business. They're also eating turkey legs like nobody's business. Got lucky. Yeah, yeah, yeah. These delightful treats ascended to Disney snack fandom it pretty recently you know it's when snacks suddenly became their own thing like magnets and on shirts. And you would buy pins that had a picture of your favorite snack.
{50 min}
But it kind of implies that Disney has always been selling these things but they haven't they're a pretty new addition to our parks. So let's take a moment to delve into the history of Turkey.
Let's let's do it, let's go, let's do some delving.
Let's let's delve everybody. Turkey legs are are not exclusive to like Disneyworld versus Disneyland. Both both places have them plenty of county fairs also have them county state renaissance fairs. Everybody loves having a giant hunk of meat that they can eat right off the bone. But in 1989, Disney's food and beverage executive Dave Jarrett went on a nationwide search for new treats for the parks.
What a job. I'm sorry. This is like what a trumped up, like, you know, I'm just going to go tour the country. Oh, really? Why? You find a new snack. You know, that's like Guy Fieri. Get that, you know, get out of the way. Here's the exact way to, you know, fleece your company.
Yeah. Guy here's here's some new Ray-Bans. Go over there and make a few million dollars. Yeah. Oh, but, but Dave happened across this treat at, at some fare somewhere and said, you know what, I can make this work. So he rolled out turkey legs slowly. We started out with one location for turkey legs in 1989, which I suppose now that I say 1989 out loud and say this is a recent thing, 1989 was a long time ago. And there are people that some of our listeners were born after that probably maybe I don't know, our demographics anyway.
Neither do I.
Yeah. In 1989, the the first location to sell turkey legs in the magic kingdom at Walt Disney World was big owls. It was a food cart in Frontierland outside the Country Bear Jamboree. So instantly lot lines formed, park guests just couldn't get enough of it. It goes without saying that that's the popularity of this treat was enough that they had to expand it outside of one outdoor vending cart. For some reason, this same cart still exists. Well, for some reason the cart still exists, and for some reason it now sells toys and hats. So if you want a coonskin cap and if you want to feel like a kid in the fifties who watched Davy Crockett, that's where you go. Big AL's. These days, guests can find turkey legs all over Walt Disney and Disneyland.
Epcot has the Fife and Drum Tavern outside the American Adventure. They sell turkey legs, funnel cakes and craft beer. What a combination.
That's a perfect combination, to be quite honest.
Sounds like America.
Yeah, right. That's America right there.. Disney's Animal Kingdom go to the lounge outside of the yak and Yeti, where you can get also frozen alcoholic beverages, egg rolls and turkey legs. And if you're in the mood for a turkey leg in Disney Springs, check out the House of Blues Smokehouse. There used to be a location in Hollywood studios called Toluca Legs, Toluca Legs Turkey Company -
Sounds like a vaudeville act.
I'm not sure if that has reopened, but that used to be there. It does sound pretty great. In Disneyland. We have we have several locations where you can where you can pick things up. Oh, no bad content right here. Where are all the notes from? DisneyLand. I'll just do it off the dome.
There are four locations in Disneyland where you can get in in the Disneyland resort, where you can get turkey legs, you can get them at the poultry palace in DCA, you can get them at the food carts that is on the west side of the hub in Disneyland proper. There is the there there's a food cart along the rivers of America that sells turkey legs.
{55 min}
And there is a fourth location that's I'm not placing oh, Edelweiss snacks, of course. Obviously, you can get a turkey leg at Edelweiss snacks where you can also get a chimichanga right outside the Matterhorn itself. I'm glad -
I am so sorry. You can get a chimichanga?
I heard that they're disgusting.
Oh, really?
It’s just like grease-laden flour.
Yeah. Sounds like right up your alley. Yeah, you're fine.
Sign me up, like … Shit!
Sorry, I forgot what show we were on, but also I said what I said.
No, there are. There are certain hosts on this network that absolutely love the Chimichanga as and when I watched them eat the chimichangas, I went, That is something I won't put in to put into my body.
And that was SupremeCon one, not the second SupremeCon. Anyway, listen to the supreme resort, everybody. It's on the Earzup network. It's pretty great. My co-hosts might not live as long as me.
And that's pretty great.
It's just me arguing with myself in the future. So the secret to turkey legs. Disney chefs soak the turkey legs in a brine solution. First to impart that rich and salty flavor. They then smoked over hickory much like a ham so this is a little bit of a different take on turkey prep than most people do. So it gives it an exotic flair that's different from your normal Thanksgiving turkey. Some people because of this preparation technique, don't believe that turkey legs are actual turkey legs, as you mentioned earlier.
Yeah, that's always been like the internet thing where like, you know, they're ostrich legs or something like that because I mean, if you've never seen one and maybe people haven’t - They're massive yeah, they are … Humongous. They're not just like, oh, like, you know, because we're coming up on Thanksgiving. It's not like you're sitting down at dinner and you think, Oh, let me get a turkey. Like people paying $14 for it. No, it's a baseball bat.
It's it is enormous. And it does taste different than your normal Thanksgiving turkey and then it does. It tastes like Ham. It's, it's, it's cured in it's brined and it's smoked. So it's very much prepared like a ham. So rumors have surrounded this for so long that let's see. Travel Channel star Andrew Zimmerman addressed the rumors in an episode about Disney Parks saying, Oh, like eating in a specific episode. He said, No, these are real turkey legs. Here's them preparing turkeys. They watch them like slaughtering turkey.
Yeah, I'm. I'm instantly thinking Seeger show material. Here we go.
Yeah, let's see. Some people say emu. Some people say ostrich.
Emu … come on.
Right, right.
That's someone trying to flex online like they know what an emu is.
Oh, yeah. Snopes stepped in to help debunk claims as well. They still let these rumors keep circulating. It keeps coming back up. I don't know. Have any of you eaten ostrich before?
No, I can't say I have. At least I have not knowingly.
I think I have. I know I've had ostrich jerky. I think I've had it prepared other ways also. Well, I think I've had it before.
Okay. It's I mean, it's really red meat, right?
Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, I think I had an ostrich burger, actually.
I've never had an ostrich burger, but I've had an ostrich steak. And it was like the super. It was like the toughest. It was definitely red meat. And it was it was it was gamey. It was super gamey. It was good. But but it's totally different than the than what people think these these turkey legs are.
This all just reminds me of that Matthew Broderick movie where he's like running exotic animals for like this rich people to eat or whatever. And he has a conscience. He didn't know about it and frees themn or something like that.
{60 min}
No, I know. I have no idea what it was.
It was Matthew Broderick. And I want to say it was the guy, the Godfather, homie. What's his name? The dude. The guy. The guy.
Yeah, I think it was a Brando. I'm gonna look it up. You keep going. I'm paying attention.
Oh, yeah. No, pay half attention. Yes.
I have had ostrich. I have to say it right … fuddruckers. Yeah, they had ostrich burgers and, like,, like a bunch of weird burgers I had. I was like. I think I had a burger. Yeah.
The freshman.
Oh, I've heard of that. I have not seen it.
satirical crime comedy, uh, Marlon Brando, Matthew Broderick. Man, I'm so good. with Penelope Ann Miller and Frank Whaley.
I have not seen this movie and I don't know what- It the the name sounds familiar, but I have not seen this movie.. What I have seen is a turkey leg.
Is a human being eat his own leg and thinking it was a turkey leg.
Dan. Dan texted me 24 minutes ago to say, check out the chat. I'm sorry. Dan. Yeah.
Someone's working here, Daniel.
See? Okay. Yeah, bro. Yeah. Anyway, so what makes the turkey leg so big? Many of the turkeys that we prepare for holiday dinner are female turkeys who are already plenty big. We grow ‘em big -
I’m just saying we grow - We specifically -
We prefer the term thick.
Are you a Turk? I'm not saying you're a turkey. Okay. All right. Yeah, I'm just saying female are prepared for Thanksgiving.
Look at these birds.
Yeah. See, they got the gams on them.
Yeah, the bird, baby.
Anyway, Disney uses male turkeys and male turkeys are svelte and have very large legs.
Sick. Same, honestly.
Right, exactly. Okay, so each turkey leg that Disney sells is about one and a half pounds.
Bone-in, though!
And that makes the price feel a lot better.
Yeah, I mean, but it's mostly bone. Yeah.
Yeah. You know what? Only about a quarter pound of that is bone. The rest is meat.
Yeah, that's they're not mostly bone.
It's like three or four ounces of bone.
It yeah. It's, I mean the bone is big, the bone is large, but it's still, it's still a bird bone. It's not, it's not the most dense thing out there. What you are paying for is protein paying for meat. So turkey legs clock in between 750 depending on your source between 750 and 1000 calories.
That seems about right.
Yeah. But it's like putting it in those terms where you just absolutely housing a turkey leg by yourself. You just your body, especially as you get older. You can't you can't like, you can't flash mob your body with a thousand calories in 10 minutes anymore and get away with it.
But at Disneyland I think you sort of can because you're you walk so much.
You walk ten miles a day.
I'm not talking about like burning it off. But just like it is, it's like putting a fire hose in your car and gassing up your car that way.
Oh, oh, yeah. Things are going to happen to you. That's true.
True. Disney. Well, so 36 to 50 grams of fat, more than a thousand grams of sodium.
How many grams of sodium are you supposed to have in general a day?
Uh oh, man. I should have looked that up.
I don't know. It's. I know Top Ramen has, like, a thousand and it’s so good.
Yeah, it's. It's not ridiculous compared to other processed foods that we all enjoy.
{65 min}
Limit sodium intake to less than 2300 milligrams a day.
So sorry. I mean, a thousand milligrams, not grams.
So it's half your daily amount.
Perfect. You're fine.
Don't eat anything else at the park.
It’s also half your daily calorie intake. So it’s actually not surprising.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. But I don't know, like, what other food do you know? That's, like equal calorie and sodium?
Yeah, I don't know. Yeah. What else? So Disney, in fact, does counter this argument. It does counter this fact with the the the opposing fact that the average guest walks around a Disney park enough to burn about that about as many calories as a turkey leg gives you every day. So just walking around a Disney park, the average Disney guest burns off 750 to 1000 calories every day. So it's a no brainer. It's a wash that way.
You’re turkey leg neutral.
Let's just not talk about how many calories, churros have, right?
Or anything else!
Yeah, right. Don't eat anything else. If so, here's some some interesting some interesting turkey talk here at Disney has had a unique connection to turkeys outside of their legs, but kind of close to Thanksgiving dinner, let's see, in 1989, the first year that turkey legs were offered in Frontierland and Walt Disney World, it also marked the first year that George Herbert Walker Bush pardoned a turkey from the White House Thanksgiving dinner.
What a lucky Turkey.
This became an annual tradition that extended that continues to this day. George W Bush continue that tradition and added a specific Disney spin because in 2005, he pardoned two turkeys named Marshmallow and Yam. And instead of sending them to a farm like previous turkeys. He sent them to the petting zoo at Disneyland.
We've met those turkeys.
You. You have pet those turkeys. You all three of you.
Yeah, yeah, I definitely have a picture of it somewhere in an old phone.
Sounds like you’re like a spy. You've got a friggin’ Taren in the Patriot
“I have it somewhere in my old phone.”
You're original iPhone.
That's literally a brick from our garden. No, it's a phone.
W did so again in 2006 with flier and fryer. In 2007 W changed up the tradition and instead of sending May and flower get it. Mhm.
I do. I really do. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Do we. He just punted them like footballs.
Okay. Yes. Instead of sending manned flower to Walt Disney World. No. Instead of sending them to Disneyland, he sent them to Walt Disney World, where they served as the honorary grand marshals of the Thanksgiving Day parade.
I'm sure that he got to choose where they go. Just see him be like, hey, you know, I'm going to do basically it's Sam. If Sam was the president. Yeah, you know, I'm going to do I want to Send these turkeys to Disney World Instead.
Oh, my goodness. Yes. Future that the tradition continues of pardoning turkeys every year at Thanksgiving. But turkeys have sadly not been to a Disney park since 2009.
2009? That can't be true because. I met Jason in 2010 and we've seen them at the park.
Well, they were probably still there.
They were. They were just out. There's no more that was still marshmallow in. Yeah. Yeah, not Jeff.
You know the year we met, like, off the top of your head off rip.
Yeah, Well I also know the date.
Well, yeah. Because it was Valentine’s day, doesn't just like a brain genius to figure that out.
It was 2010. Yeah. And it's easy because it's 2010, so I always know how long we've known each other.
{70 min}
That sucks for you.
Enough of that. Please. Let's get back to turkeys. If you're. If you're in the mood for some turkey, you can have more than just turkey legs around the parks. If you if you enjoy your turkey sliced instead of like ripping it off the bone like Dan the animal.
My favorite Wrestler.
Yeah. Go to the Liberty Tree Tavern in the Magic Kingdom because you can get the Patriots platter, which is an all you care to eat patriots platter.
I hate that name. That is the worst. Oh, God.
It's in Liberty Square. Yeah, well, right, right.
Yeah, well, right, right.Right, right. Oh. It's too close to home. It's too close to the current timeline of like being like hyper relevant
They still call it like, you know what? Let me double check. Let's see. Patriots platter at Liberty Tree Tavern while that came up right away. Yeah, it's still got the Patriots. Okay.
Anyway, what do you get there then? What is it?
It's you get a whole you get a whole lot of meat. It's an all you care to eat experience, which something that does that's unique to Disney and I dislike that phrase but it's better than all you can eat all I suppose.
Yeah it is Disney, it is Disneyfied. But in an odd way, I know what you mean. I don't necessarily really enjoy it. Oh, yeah, well, it's almost like not gaslighting, but it's almost like. Like a neg where it's like, oh, you care to eat that much, do you?
It's a little shamey. Like, oh, yeah. Like, I mean, really, you, you care. Continue. You're still doing this?
You care to order another plate?
The woman the woman in her bonnet is standing there with her little notepad in her quill, judging the crap out of you.
Anyway, go ahead. Continue with the Patriots platter.
Please let me continue talking about the Patriots platter. For goodness sake.
Yeah. Mr. five minute segment over here.
The All you care to eat experience. This is on you.
Yeah, I know.
You made me extend this an entire show. Yeah. So it recreates the traditional holiday Thanksgiving meal all year around it. So in the middle of, you can get a heaping pile of roast turkey, breast pot roast and pork roast. That's the meat side of the menu. Mashed potatoes, roasted vegetables, herb stuffing, macaroni and cheese. There's some salad in case you want a not cooked vegetable.
And apple cake or toffee cake are very much preferred favorites. At the end of the meal these days. Liberty Tree Tavern is one of the few locations in the Magic Kingdom that also allows adult beverages like American wines and craft beer. No cocktails. Don't ask for cocktails. Yes, this is the Magic Kingdom we're talking about. But you can also get soda and coffee.
And if you're from Georgia, you can get a Coke in any flavor. And if you're from the Midwest, you can get a pop. And if you're from whatever portion of the country it is that because it's soda pop, you can get a soda pop. Soda pop, yeah. Love it. But yes, Disney chefs will always accommodate your family's needs. If you have allergy issues, they will take care of that. And there you go. You can have a full Thanksgiving meal without having to rip meat off of a bone. But let's get back to that bone. Get back to that turkey leg. If you want to recreate the salty, smoky flavor of this park flavor-it - that was almost a slip of the tongue.
Nurse Jackie, why don’t you … you know .. sorry. Yeah.
Look, just search online. Bing it, altavista it. Google it. Don't Google it. AltaVista. There are many, many versions of this recipe online. We don't most people don't have access to giant male turkeys. But, you know, you can try to recreate this experience at home if you would enjoy doing so on your own. Otherwise, just wait until your next visit to the parks and shell out $12 for a powder and a half of meat and bone.
{75 min}
You know, when I do turkeys, I don't. I don't brine them. I do like a dry rub. I like a dry. Yeah, my buddy's big on brining, and he has, like, all, like, brine recipe. The homebrew chef. You look it up. Yeah, but I just don't find it. Like, I don't know, I tried it once. I was like, I don't really notice a big difference you spatchcock it dry brine it it's just the same and it's cooks faster too.
True, true. There you go.
I love it. I love a turkey leg story. All right. Let's do a little news. There's a couple of news announcements that we've got to get through. Like literally. Because you'll find out in a second.
I love it all. Disney news. I do have a couple of images to share with you. At least one, Erik, maybe you know this. So hope is in the chat and she wants to us to cover some main street electrical parade news. But I can't find any new announcements. Do you know about this?
I, I was going to say, if I need to catch up on something, let me look that up.
I'm going to continue. I want you guys I want you to look it up and I'm going to continue with with. Well, let's just jump right in to sharing this video moment. Oh, there's a new. You're going to I wish Jeremy was here. There's a new movie coming to Disney. Plus, it's a documentary. It's called Idina menzel. Which way to the stage?
Which? First of all, if you have to ask that, I mean. No, you know, it's like which way to my front door? I don't know. Like, you should know. There's one.
Are you Jerry Seinfeld?
I don't know. You want to watch the trailer for it?
I mean, I guess.
I mean, no
You're supposed to say yes.
Like, literally, who cares?
Is it? We all have this power over snow and ice.
And just I can't. I couldn't care less about this.
But the success of Frozen is what was really defining her, not the iconic role in Wicked that she played on Broadway.
Oh, I didn't even know. I mean, she she mentions rent and it's like, oh, I didn't know she was in.
{80 min}
Like, she was Elphaba in Wicked with. Oh yeah. Kristin Chenoweth. Like the original cast.
Mm hmm. Yeah. I mean, Wicked was was huge. I Never really liked rent.
I don't know anything about it.
You know, it's because like, as as a show choir guy in high school like that, some of the rent songs were like crammed down our throat, like, you're going to do this one because it's popular.
Mm hmm. How do you measure a year, Eric?
529,600. And it's I. I dislike That. I hate that song so much.
Well, anyway, there you go. Idina menzel is getting her very own documentary. It's going to air on Disney. Plus Friday, December 9th. And I really do want to do a watch party with Jeremy, but he has yet to respond to my tweet.
I'd watch that.
Well, yeah, because Jeremy can't stand Adel Dazeem.
I'd watch the two of you watching that.
Mean, I'm sorry, but I don't care. It's like, oh, the story is to persevere and never give up on your dreams. Meanwhile, people have literally gone bankrupt from not giving up on the dream. Sometimes you have to give up on your dreams, folks. Sometimes you have to let things, you know, let it go. You have to. You can't keep chasing a dream if you're putting your own money up because you're going to go broke.
Yeah. I mean, okay. So to be fair, you don't like a lot of things. So, like -
I don't like that you said that.
So it doesn't say a whole lot that you watch that and we're like, Oh, this doesn't appeal to me. But she seems kind of like a terrible person.
She does? You got you got that she's a terrible person from a minute 45 trailer? She’s a Mom. I don't know if you knew.
Seems it seems very full of yourself to tell your story about how you became famous when it did not sound in that trailer like anything really went that wrong. Except one time she got dropped from a label because she didn't sell enough records.
It might be a little self-indulgent.
Yeah, she had to start from the beginning.
God, how sad for you.
She had to start all over. Meanwhile, no, her starting all over was her going back and going to an off-Broadway thing. But no, she had enough connections where she could do an hour. Kind of whatever you want. I don't care. I don't care.
That's what I mean. It's she's she's shining her own diamond like it's not. No, it's not. It's not a good story to tell. There are a lot of other people. I would prefer to see their story to stardom.
Speaking of stories I want to hear about to stardom. Bob Chapek gave an interview recently talking about a whole bunch of stuff. Apparently Disney stock is down and people are down on on Bobby. See about it.
It's way the hell down.
Yeah, it's like 88 bucks or something like that. It's very, very cheap right now.
Hey, bounced a little bit. We're back. We're back up to 90. I'm just checking right now. 90, 90, 46. So I I'm I'm worth slightly more money right now.
So basically, this is just a little excerpt that I thought was pretty interesting. He's talking about like what other things that they can do with the Disney brand other than just parks and movies, right? He says. I equate managing the company's portfolio to a manual car, going between the gas pedal, brake and clutch. The focus, he said, must be, quote, customer lifetime value more than its media peers. Disney is able to look well outside of film, TV and digital media to enhance that customer value. On the drawing board, for example, is a newly planned community outside Palm Springs. Yeah. You know, we've heard about that. Chapek defended new pricing and reservation systems as theme parks developed through COVID while they were shut.
Back up, back up.
Yeah, I can't. There's a wall right there.
I'll call it for what it is. Story worth.
Story worth.
Got. You've got to talk about the story of community and. Well, look.
I didn't write story. All right. You go talk to DEADLINE about story.
You know, you've got to talk about the story every time. That's the entire point of the story.
I don't understand. But I love you anyway. They could manage attendance and improve the guest experience, but also generate some controversy. The old systems were antiquated and treated everyone as one size fits all. This is pre-COVID stuff, right? It's like the same throttle. We would wear it as a badge of honor, he said. The one thing that was clear is that people do not want to be treated the same.
What is he talking about?
Well, it's about like it's about these micro experiences where people want to pay to skip the line. They want to pay to do the thing now.
He is an insane person.
{90 min}
On the one hand, he's correct. Because you were just telling us in the first segment, the park is busier now than it was at any other time that you've seen it this year. He's not wrong. And some people are. It's working. He doesn't just open his mouth and guess about stuff. He has numbers to back his information up. Yeah, he said virtual theme parks are unlikely, which I thought that was an interesting thing. A virtual theme park visit even with the burgeoning metaverse because we talked about it little bit about when the metaverse sort of popped, you could potentially maybe just go to the park on your VR headset or whatever and you get your fix that way.
But he said some behind the scenes looks are possible. Quote, People like to get off attractions and see exactly how those ghosts in the haunted mansion, which, by the way, they're on a friggin hydraulic thing and they pop up. So people I want to check that out. It's usually the reason why rides stop is very funny to me. People on the haunted mansion the they stop the ride because we're trying to look out and get off the ride to see our work. We can give you that ability to exit the theme park virtually and figure out what makes it tick. And I thought that was and that's basically that's basically it. And then he says, then when you're watching Disney plus the Haunted Mansion movie will be served up as your first choice, not buried on page four.
So when we're talking a little bit about Chapek trying to get the the theme parks tied into your Disney plus experience, maybe that's kind of what, you know, he's talking about. Like, if you've if you've queued up to see, like, how the haunted mansion works, next time you load up Disney, plus it's going to take that sort of like the algorithm for YouTube right now.
You're going to have to watch that movie with Eddie Murphy.
Which I kind of liked. I'm not going to lie, man.
He’s holding out for Jared Leto. No, that's he's he's the Hatbox ghost in the new one, if you haven't.
No, he's not.
Yeah, he's he's the the Hatbox Ghost in the new movie that's coming out next year.
Eric, have you found anything on the Main Street electrical parade?
I am looking Disney Wikipedia page, but I don't know. I haven't seen anything about says.
Uh, let's see. I got. Oh, see, here's another. Here's another share. There's a new dessert at Disney World. And I want to talk about it because I want to see if you guys would actually eat this dessert.
Yeah, those ones look like poop. Yeah, these are weird.
These are not new. It's not new.
Oh my gosh. It is animal poop.
No, they've done this before.
Oh, okay. Maybe it's. Maybe it's just back again. Oh, no, this is 2015. Wow. So whoever shared it in the Discord. It's old news, but I guess it comes and goes. But anyway, um. Disney World is dropping disgusting new dish on the menu of an animal kingdom shop. Animal poop.
And it's kind of gross, though.
It's kind of funny.
And so, like, I don't know that I would because, you know, it looks like it's not like a like a poop emoji, like a turd, everybody. But it's like, you know.
It looks like aBalls. The different types of poops of different animals.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's scat. Yeah. Which is from the Greek root scata, which means poop not sure you guys knew that. Scatology, The study of poop is a Greek root word, so you know that. Wow. Where’s Lee from Greece in Disney. Come on. How can people breathe when there's no Greek pavilion in friggin Epcot? How can people grow hair when there's no Greece?
The only thing I'm seeing on the wiki about Main Street Electrical Parade is that on July 14th, 2022, Disney announced the parade's 50th anniversary run would end on September 1st. Yeah, I know. That's all I found too.
{95 min}
The last thing I have to talk about real fast is, is a late breaking piece of news. And I want to mention the fact that, first of all, I want to go back to what people were saying about this. So this is about the Tarzan's treehouse in adventure land or whatever. When it came down, when the news came down that it was going to be received or there was just working on it, Disney didn't even announce anything. They're just like, Oh, these quietly put up screens and whatever they're doing, work on it, right? People were flipping their wigs about it. What's it going to be?
Our friends over at WDWN T started the rumor mill churning, which is what they do. And, you know, people always go, well, you know, they're more right than they are wrong. And I really like calling them out because it's very fun, because if you really dig into it, they're not they're not more right than they are wrong.
They're vague enough
They make up stuff just for clicks. And it's I think it's an open secret, but people still give them clicks and they don't understand why. This is from June 7th, 2022. What is happening over there? Someone's someone's tightening a zip tie. What's going inches a June 7th, 2022 entrance tree to Tarzan's tree, fully removed for rumored in contrary theme at Disneyland.
No, no, there was no rumor. The rumor. And that's all they say. They say that. And then in the down below, which is, of course, you go through four different ads to get five. No, five different at six, six different seven different ad. Disney has not announced a new theme for the tree house. Rumor has it the attraction may get an Encanto theme inspired by Antonio's Tree House bedroom, which first of all, sounds stupid because Antonio was in the movie for like 4 minutes.
So why would they do that? It makes no sense.
It also doesn't fit the theming of the area.
No, not at all.
I mean, tree, house, jungle. You can make it work. I don't know, I guess. But like so anyway. So, so that was WDWNT and then the Kingdom Insider, you know, wrote an article in April and WDWNT wrote one earlier than that too. I just didn't pull it up yet. Yeah, here it is right here. April 18th, 2022, breaking Tarzan's tree house, being re themed, possibly to Encanto. And of course, there's no it just says this is the this is the intent. Rumors indicate it may be Encanto That's all they say about it. So they wrote an article April, then they wrote another one in June. But after the one in April, the Kingdom Insider wrote one. This same day is an Encanto re theme coming to Tarzan's treehouse.
Is it just because that's the only movie that had a house in it?
I don't know.
Jason, which is more of a blog site or more of a news site than a blog site, but still know they cover mainstream stuff. But on that same day as well, on April 18th, they wrote about popular Disneyland attraction might be getting Encanto makeover and that's they don't really you know mention it they don't mention WDWNT thank god they don't need more press.
But like so April that clearly got a ton of hits. So they decided to rewrite the article in June, publish another version of it in June, which is still the same vague nonsense. Well, we talked about it. I think we covered it on the show maybe as a in depth, but I said, no way, they're literally never going to do this.
And then I think in that what may be one of those new things, I was like, you know, we announced that they're redoing Swiss family Robinson. And I think and I don't know if this is like the Barbara Streisand effect or not, but I seem to remember saying something about if they're going to do anything, that'd be cool if they just redid it as Swiss family Robinson Treehouse because it makes sense they're redoing the movie, right?
Today, the former Tarzan's treehouse in Disneyland will be transformed into Adventureland Treehouse reopening next year to the 1960 film Swiss Family. Robinson The Walk through attractions first run as his Swiss family treehouse lasted from 1962 to 1998. Disneyland's Treehouse became Tarzan 3099. And this is pretty funny. The that attraction shuttered in September 21 and rumors circulated from the likes WDW news today that it may be renamed to the 2021 Disney animated hit Encanto WDW and ended up being wrong as Disney announced Thursday on its official Parks blog that the Adventureland Treehouse will be inspired by Walt Disney's Swiss family Robinson in 2023, the Adventureland Treehouse will showcase wondrous new environments created among the branches of a giant tree on the shores of the jungle river, where will once again enter by the giant water wheel and follow the wooden rope stairways. Up, up, up into the bows, wrote Disneyland Public Relations Director Lee Lynch. I know here you will find fascinating rooms that the family in this new story created for one another from the mother's music den and the young son's nature room. Well, that's what you want in a jungle housing. What a nature room.
{100 min}
What does that mean? You didn't get a room. You sleep outside, too. The teenage daughters astronomer's loft. All things are fashioned from found objects in blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Apparently it's going to open and they don't know actually. But yeah. Anyway, so there you go. So once again, add that tack this on to the myriad of things that WDW into have been wrong about. This is incorrect and they don't care now. It's been so long that nobody really remembers. I remember.
I sort of love that they're making it. They're sort of reverting it back to what it was.
Yeah, me too.
Yeah. The name is a little bit generic but I also very current. Disney the adventure land treehouse inspired by the Swiss family Robinson - isn't that what it what the official is on the sign and one of the like okay yeah but you know.
01:36:21:08 - 01:36:29:22
Speaker 1
So it's like reimagined, but it's so they're doing a Disney plus series on the Swiss family. Robinson Right. I think it's that that sort of reality, yeah.
They actually went through with it and did what people wanted, which is get Tarzan out of there and remake the thing that people still walk through at Walt Disney World. Right, every day.
Yeah. But I knew right off the bat they're not going to do it. It's not it's not going to happen.
I wouldn't put it past them to have done that. But, I'm glad they're not.
Yes and yeah. There's nothing. Henry Cavill is going to be Superman again.
Yeah. He left The Witcher.
Which is upsetting.
I couldn't get into The Witcher. I think it's because I didn't. I didn't binge it.I watched. I watched it, too far apart and I got too confused by the non-linear timeline. I think if I had binged it, I would have liked it better.
That makes sense. I mean, it's what I did with season two. I sort of dropped out in season two. I just don't care. I guess I don't care. I don't know. But I did finish Andor and I loved it.
Oh great episode episode ten I, I, when I watched it last night, I texted the the Bantha Milk boys and said I'm I'm legit like cheering on these people like it it was so good It was so good. The entire series been great.
Oh, it's been great. But like I, I did have a problem with, with something in season ten. I don't want to spoil it for anybody. Maybe, maybe the next secret show we can talk about.
Okay, maybe. Yeah, I, I love.
I had a big problem with it.
Oh, okay. Oh, we'll talk about it later. I would. There's, there's a video out there of the woman who plays I can't remember the character's name because I can't remember any character's name who isn't on and or but the woman who plays the imperial security guys. The ISP Person.
She she talks. It's a, it's a great video. Look it up. It's on where she's talking about how you want to root for her and and it came up on Bantha Milk on their last episode when they were talking about episode nine where they're like, you kind of want to root her, but you also realize she's a horrible person. Who tortures people for a living. And she's like, it's a it's a weird role to play because she, she's deliberately doing this. You want to you want her to succeed. You want her to, like, be good at her job and and and push past things. But you realize what that actually means is more death and torture.
Yeah, well, it's interesting because the only reason you want her to be successful is because it's counter to what the empire is telling her. But her, her, the people above her.
{105 min}
Like she's fighting quote unquote, the empire at that point. Like she's she's rebelling against the empire in that. So you're like, Oh, well, we want her to win because the empire is bad. But also if she wins, then she catches and that's bad. So, you know, whatever it's like. I always go back to Breaking Bad. It's like everyone's rooting for Walt, but he was literally making meth. Can't, like, you know what I mean? You can't get worse than that.
But it's when you have a bad character who's doing bad things and you want them to succeed, that's good writing.
Oh, yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Great show.
Now it's it. I think we're done. All right, everybody. Well, I hope you got really hungry from our show here, the turkey leg central or something like that. You missed the legs.
They're juicy, smokey and good.
It's good stuff, man. I appreciate the turkey legs. God bless those toms for dying. Maybe they're not dead. Maybe they should have their legs amputated, which is a bunch of Lieutenant Dan's rolling around, going like Weebils, sort of wobbling around.
I don't know how many legs anymore.
All right, Thanks a lot for tuning in. Hopefully next week we're gonna be doing some in-depth. I haven't talked to Jeremy it, so I don't really know if it'll happen, but hopefully it will. And then the show after that, it's going to be Beverley talking about why she cannot stand Disneyland anymore and she's going to try to burn it down.
Pretty much, yeah. That's I actually don't even need to do the show anymore. You just did it for me.
I'll just play that soundbite on repeat.
Everybody, thanks a lot for tuning in. I appreciate it. Till next time see in the parks.