Change happens, but are changes at Disneyland a good thing?

Change is good - the changing seasons, growing up, making different friends; even destructive events, such as fire, can bring about a good change.  But does this hold true for the changes at Disneyland?  With the coming Winter, the park transforms into a winter wonderland - new shows, new effects, new decorations abound.  On this show, we jump into some of the new changes at Disneyland that have already been made, mainly to the Jungle Cruise and to the coffee shop on Main Street, and we also turn the rumor mill with some internet hear-say of a few upcoming renovations to Disneyland.

Plus, in our Little Known Fact of the Show, we break apart the mystery of the Disney Family crest, above Sleeping Beauty's castle - is it real, is it fake?  Come and find out!

[caption id="attachment_215" align="aligncenter" width="300"]The last great coffee cup ... The last great coffee cup ...[/caption]

Host - EarzUp! | In-Depth | Secret Show (Patreon Only)