What's Happening At EarzUp!

Man, the world moves fast, eh? Times are crazy right now, as everyone in our area (and beyond) are being asked to "shelter in place" for the next three weeks. You probably are, too. Even though the Disney Parks are closed, and Bev and Terrence are locked inside their respective homes, we're going to be still making shows. Partially because I'd go nuts if I didn't, and partially because we love doing it and hopefully this sort of thing can help us all feel a little normal. The Supreme Resort fellas are going to be recording as well, so things should continue as planned. Since there's not much Disney News to chat about, the Secret Show and In-Depth will be different, but still funny ... hopefully. And maybe we'll drop some extra content as well, just to have a bit of fun. We're still here.

So thanks for listening to our shows. While we are all stuck at home over the next few weeks, let's take that time to connect with family, laugh a lot, and wash our hands. Oh, and wash our hands.

See you in the Parks!
Jason and the whole EarzUp team

Host - EarzUp! | In-Depth | Secret Show (Patreon Only)