Taren jumps into the fascinating - and expensive - world of the most famous restaurant at Disneyland ...

Disneyland's Club 33

We can honestly say that there are no other things within Disneyland that are surrounded with an air of mystery than the famous Club 33.  Originally planned as a place for Walt to wine-and-dine the park's many investors, it remains a space that many current park guests are unaware of. Taren and Terrence dive into the history of Club 33 - how it got that name, what kind of menu items you could find both before and after the renovation (like the famous Chateaubriand), the dress code, and what the place looks like now.  And for those of you who have that kind of money, we give you the contact information to get on the waiting list for a membership to Disneyland's Club 33. We also hear from Angry Bekah as she confronts Terrence during the Feedback segment, and of course, the Fact of the Show!   [caption id="attachment_742" align="aligncenter" width="845"]club33_2 The new Club 33 ... for better or worse![/caption]
Host - EarzUp! | In-Depth | Secret Show (Patreon Only)